MASARY Studios is a transdisciplinary artist collective reconsidering environments through site-specific installations using sound, light, interactivity, and performance. Based in Boston, the studio’s practice includes live percussion performance, electronic music and production, facade projection-mapped video, artistic research, technology and materials fabrication, and the expansive use of animation. The studio is artist-owned and managed and was founded in 2015.
Whether introducing new instruments, devices, pieces, or using the environment itself as the tool, our work enhances and activates place and purpose. When exploring iconic architecture or natural environments, we investigate both the current uses and the cultural history of a place. What defines the community? What traditions exist? What is hidden within, behind, and around the site through concept and form? We take these questions, answers, and discovered themes to create sonic and visual motifs, weaving together a larger story. Our practice extends to traditional performance spaces, such as theaters, galleries and the like, with decidedly untraditional results. Whether it be activating 70+ musicians surrounding an audience at a concert hall, or projecting crowd-sourced materials onto a facade, our pieces are curious, fresh, and often surprising.
MASARY is an interdisciplinary collaborative team with artists at the center. Studio founders and principals are Sam Okerstrom-Lang and Ryan Edwards. The extensive creative and technical team expands out to coders, engineers, architects, designers, percussionists, animators, arts administrators & more.
MASARY Studios was originally founded in 2015 by Ryan and Samo.